Saturday 26 September 2015

Making Connections

We have been talking about making connections between the stories we read and our own lives.  This is one of the many strategies we will learn this year to help us better understand what we read.  
After reading a story called, Roxaboxen by Alice McLerran, we had a great discussion about it, everyone enjoyed the story and we moved on.  

But...on Friday we went outside to gather sticks for an upcoming activity and the students discovered an area covered with leaves.  They named it Leaf -a-boxen and began making all sorts of connections from the book to what they were doing at that moment!!!  It was fantastic!!!!  Ask your child to tell you about Roxaboxen and Leafaboxen!

Click here to read the story, Roxaboxen.

Thursday 24 September 2015

Baptism Memento

This note will be coming home in your child's agenda on Friday.

We will be talking about Baptism and belonging to God’s family over the next several days.  Your child will be invited to share a personal baptism story and/or memento.  We invite you to take time with your child to relate the story of his/her Baptism.  Please send the memento to school with your child on Monday or Tuesday.  They will have an opportunity to share the story of their Baptism at that time.

Have a great weekend!

Math Project #1

At the end of our first math unit, the students were involved 
in their first Math Project!

They were given a problem and they had to work with their group
to figure out how they were going to solve it.  The only 
instruction given was:  'You can use anything in our classroom 
to help you solve the problem.'

The Problem:  You have:
 9 red beads
6 blue beads
3 green beads
Make a pattern using all of the beads (a pattern must repeat 3 times)

The teams tested out different ideas...

This team used red, blue and green books to help them create the pattern...

This team used jewels...

They tested and tested...

...until they solved the problem!

'Got it!'

They recorded their patterns.

...and talked about how they figured it out.

Saturday 19 September 2015

Meet the Teacher Ice Cream Social

Meet the Teacher Ice Cream Social

Thursday September 24 from 4-6pm

Minion Mania!

Why Minions?  
Well...who doesn't love the minions!!!  
We have been sorting objects and the kids thought it would be fun to sort minions.
We started the day off with 'show and share'... of the students made 'minion day' bracelets for everyone!

...we made minion snacks...

...and sorted minions!
Come to our Meet the Teacher Ice Cream Social and see our Minion 'Mathsterpiece'.  
The students worked together and organized their minions into categories:
1.  Minions holding bananas
2.  Minions holding fart guns
3.  Minions holding bananas and fart guns

Curriculum Connection
Data Management and Probability
Students will demonstrate an ability to organize objects into categories,
by sorting and classifying objects using two attributes simultaneously.

Friday 11 September 2015

Diving Right In!

We dove right into our grade 2 math program.  We have started our first unit on sorting and patterning.  The students were given a group of objects and asked to sort them into sorting circles.  Ask your child what is in the middle of the overlapped circles and why!