Friday 25 March 2016

Happy Easter!

Our Journey Through Lent

We made our Lenten promises on Ash Wednesday and hung them up to remind us of our sacrifices.  We talked about making sacrifices, doing kind things, and giving to the poor.  Reading a Bible story each day is one one the things we decided to do together. 

Each school day during Lent we read a story from the Bible.  
Each story has a symbol associated with it and we hung it on our Jesus tree.
It's amazing to see how the symbol actually reminds the students of the 
stories we read.  They can tell you all about each story.    

After attending the Stations of the Cross Service the grade 8's came to 
visit us.  We made Resurrection Rolls(Ask your child to 
tell you how this snack tells us about Easter) and had an egg hunt.

Happy Easter!

Thursday 10 March 2016

Happy March Break!!!

Enjoy your week away from school!!!!
Have fun and be safe!


One of our new favourite ways to learn!!

This is our second "scoot" to learn science.  Two students go to each station.  The team has one-two minutes to complete the task and find the answer.  They are required to record the answer and be ready to move to the next station.  They learned about 13 different endangered animals.  Most of them are endangered due to habitat loss, pollution or poaching.  Ask your child to tell you about it!!

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Practising our Math Skills

We are practising our new adding and subtracting skills!!!

First...we made numbers using base 10 blocks, focusing on place value.

Our new favourite way to play leap frog...
"My frog jumped 75cm and your frog jumped 28cm. 
What's the difference?"

Another favourite game called 'Spinnerific'.

The students have been working hard to learn to add with carrying and subtract with borrowing.
They will be having a test on Monday covering this and place value.  Their math duotangs will be coming home Thursday and Friday night so they can review and practice.