Tuesday 29 November 2016

We are waiting...

We have been talking about 'point of view' during literacy this week.  
Using different stories recounting the birth of Christ we are hearing the stories
from different points of view.  First we read The Birds of Bethlehem, where the 
birds tell the story of what they saw on the night of Jesus' birth.  Next we 
read Pippin the Christmas Pig, where the stable animals told the story.  
We will continue to read about Jesus' birth using other stories.  

Image result for The birds of bethlehem

Image result for pippin the christmas pig

Our Advent Art

Jesse Tree


During Advent we will be learning about Jesus' family tree.  Each 
day we will read a story and hang a decoration on our Jesse Tree.
Today's story was a 'draw and learn' story.  I read the story and different students
 drew what was happening in the story.  Ask your child to tell you the story.

Making the Jesse Tree Decorations 

Stay tuned to see our Jesse Tree during Advent!

Shopping Extravaganza!

Before we left today for our shopping trip, we needed to figure out
how much money we had.

Groups of students worked together using their knowledge of 
different adding strategies to figure out our grand total.  

Thank you so much for your generosity...the students collected $92!!!!

The students were very respectful in the store and they worked hard
to figure out how many fruit cups they could buy.
Each group was given a different amount of money in a ziploc bag and they 
had to use all sorts of math skills to determine how many things they 
could buy with their bag of money.

On the way back to school we ran into some furry friends!

Everyone helped to carry our heavy load back to school.

Thank you again for your generosity!!!!!

Fun Centers this week!

To prepare for our 'shopping trip' to get canned goods for the St. Vincent de Paul Society 
we did some price checking and media literacy as we searched the Giant Tiger Advertisements.

As we get better and better at writing paragraphs we are learning different ways to 
make our topic sentences very exciting and make the reader want to read more.

Practising using verbs in the past tense.

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Reconciliation Preparation

The grade threes helped the grade twos prepare for their upcoming First Reconciliation.

We are so proud of all of your hard work to prepare for this special sacrament.  

Jail Bird Verbs

We have been working on verbs (action words) in the present tense.
Today we took those verbs to the past!  
Adding 'ed' to most verbs changes them to the past tense...but there are some
verbs who do not like to follow the rules.  Those are the JAILBIRD Verbs!!! 

'Telled doesn't sound right...it's told!  Take it to jail!'

'Scrubbed works, just add ed.'

'Bited doesn't work...JAILBIRD!  Bite turns to bit.'

The police chief escorts the JAILBIRD verbs to jail.

'Drink has to be drank!'  
'You are going to jail.'

'Just add ed to make it change to the past tense.'

'My friend comed over to my house yesterday.  That sounds weird.  
My friend came to my house yesterday.  JAIL!'

'You are going to jail.'

'This one works.  Just add 'ed'.'

Thanks to our police force who have added all of our JAILBIRD verbs to 
Santa's naughty list because they just don't follow the rules.

As for the JAILBIRDS...bread and water for you!!

Sunday 6 November 2016

Halloween Fun!

Halloween marks the last day of October.  The end of 
each month brings 'table point winners' and a change in our
seating arrangement.  

Since it was Halloween, we had all sorts of Halloween fun.
Thanks to our special parent volunteer, we made a yummy
Halloween snack...dirt and worm pumpkin patches!

After our snack we played Minute to Win it Candy Elevators.
Of course we couldn't let all this fun happen without any learning...so
we did procedural writing about how to play candy elevator.