Tuesday 20 February 2018

Literacy Centers for the week

1.  Habitat 
Match the animal to it's habitat, write about one animal, and draw a picture

2.  Read around the room
Read all of our new chart paragraphs we wrote together about 
different kinds of animals

Wearing the funny glasses and using pointers makes it sooooo much more fun!!

3.  Painting
Paint your clay animal from last week

4.  Word Work
Word Work was free choice this week.  This means you can practice your
words any way you like....magnetic letters, paint the desks, white board, bubble letters, 
anything you want!!
This weeks words do NOT have to be studied to spell them.  Your 
child should practice reading the words.  They will be able to copy them
from chart papers and word cards in the classroom, as long as they have 
been paying attention to where the words are located in the classroom.

Graphing Groceries and St. Vincent de Paul Delivery

When we got back from the store, we decided to try to figure out 
how much money we spent (without checking the receipt) and which
items were the most popular and least popular.  

In order to analyze our data (information), we decided to make a graph!

No graph is complete without a title, labels, and a scale...

Then we asked questions like, how many more cans are there 
than juice boxes?  They did great using the actual items to do their 'math'!

Then, off we went to SJV Church to add to the cupboard for the St. Vincent de Paul Society.

Thanks to the St. Vincent de Paul Society for showing us around
and letting us help out!!

The olympics, the world, and science!!

We are learning about non-fiction books and how to use them to find information, specifically about animals.  Since the Olympics are happening and part of the grade 2 social studies curriculum includes finding countries of significance on the world map, we are going to be studying the national animals (along with some other things) of countries participating in the Olympics.  The kids are pretty excited and are doing very well using text features of non-fiction books to do research.  We have written paragraphs together about mammals, reptiles, insects, birds, amphibians and fish.  Now it is their turn to write a paragraph about an animal of their choice.  You will soon see some information about paragraphs coming home in your child's Read for fun, Write for fun book.

In order to learn the continents and begin to learn about the world, here is a song we have been practicing.


Thursday 15 February 2018

Happy 100th Day & Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy 100th Day!
The students celebrated the 100th day when they counted up the candy gram money and realized they exceeded their goal of $100!  

They also participated in some other activities about 100.

Since we are studying animals in science, they made a list of 100 animal words.

Everyone wanted a necklace of 100 fruit loops!

The 100 cup structure challenge was a ton of fun!

Happy Valentine's Day!
Thank you to all of our families for supporting our 'old fashioned' Valentine's Day Celebration!
They loved passing our their valentine cards and they were all so proud of their hard work signing their cards.  

Some students chose to make valentine cards to bring home.

Other students used the tiny dollar store marble games and kept track of their score.

Check out that adding!!!

Thanks for sending in red fruit.  We made fruit dip from yogurt
and cool whip.

And of course....it was privilege day!  Dancing, PJ's, and stuffys!!


So...here is the update on the grade 2 Candy Gram Project!

Aside from being the most valuable experience of the year (this far...) in terms of social justice, responsibility, and accountability, this project covered so many curriculum expectations and gave the students a real life example of how to use and apply what they learn.  You may not have seen homework pages about this and there is not a lot of paper/pencil 'proof' of what they learned, but a conversation with your child and a look at these photos is all the proof we should need to know how much they learned in the last week or two. 

Curriculum Covered
*estimate, count, and represent the value of a collection of coins
*count by 1's, 2's, 5's, 10's, and 25's
*solve problems involving the addition of numbers
*describe relationships between quantities
*add and subtract money amounts
*identify, describe, and create patterns (of course the groceries are lined up in patterns in the classroom)
*organize objects into categories
*organize primary data in concrete graphs (of course we graphed our groceries!)

These are just some of the math expectations covered during this project.  This doesn't even include any literacy components (which were immense)!  So take a look at the photos, and know that your child worked hard at school.  Ask them about their experience, you might just be surprised at what they tell you!!!

 Here is a look at what we have been doing.  

The money was all sorted (as seen in a previous post) and ready to be counted.  Each group was given
a bag of coins to count.  One group counted loonies, another toonies, quarters, dimes, nickels, and another group was responsible for counting the bills.  

'4 quarters make a dollar, so let's put them in groups of 4 and then we can 
just count by ones to see how much money we have...'

'...wait, piles of 4 are best for quarters...'

'...counting toonies is just counting by 2's...'

'...what is $1 called again?...oh yeah, loonie...'

'...we have $150 in bills...'
'...first we counted the $20's then the $10's and then the $5's...'
'...start with the biggest numbers first...'

The grand total for Candy Gram sales was $411!!!!!!
Way to go Grade 2

It was decided before any money was raised that they were going to buy food for
 the St. Vincent de Paul Society.  So we walked to Freshco to buy some groceries.

Everyone got to buy one or two items (depending on how heavy they were)
from the list of items needed by the St. Vincent de Paul society.

Thank you FRESHCO!

The groceries will be dropped off tomorrow!

We still have some money left to use for another project...so stay tuned 
for our next social justice effort!!