Friday 30 March 2018

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

After reading the story of Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem, 
we decided to act it out.  The students took turns playing the part
 of Jesus and His disciples while the rest of the students waved palm 

The Last Supper

Happy Easter!

The students have spent this week learning and reviewing 
the many special stories of Holy Week.

We spent quite a bit of time discussing the Last Supper and how it relates 
to the Eucharist, since many of our students will be making their 
First Holy Communion in the coming weeks.  Each student 'became'
one of Jesus' disciples and introduced themselves at our very own
recreation of the Last Supper.  

They broke bread together and shared some grapes.

We finished off the morning with some role playing and drama activities
of Jesus' visit to the garden of Gethsemane to pray.
Special thanks to Mrs. Tennant's Grade 7/8 Class who 
presented the Stations of the Cross and helped us learn more about
the events of Holy Week.
Have a Blessed Easter!

Brennan High School's Day of Service

Thanks to our student volunteers from Brennan High School for 
leading us in some super fun activities in the gym today!

Wednesday 7 March 2018

The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes

We have been working hard to read with greater fluency, so some Readers Theater 
seemed like just the right activity to continue this.

Each group was given a script to read telling the story of the Miracle of the Loaves and the Fishes.
They practiced reading as smooth as possible, stringing the words together so it didn't sound choppy.

Welcome Dash and Dot!

This week we welcomed two new 'friends' into our classroom!!

We have the opportunity to learn how to use the robots Dash and Dot and the 
class is sooooooo excited!

For the first day the students used an ipad to control Dash
a little bit like a remote control car.

Once everyone had a chance to see Dash, and make him move, make noises, and dance, it 
was time to use Dash to help us learn.
The students used their coding knowledge from doing the 'hour of code'
to code Dash to move on the number mat.  They created the code to make
Dash move to a number they chose.  Next they had to use their number and 
a given number to make a subtraction sentence and solve it.  

Another group of students used another Dash with a 'bulldozer' attachment to push
a small ball.  They had to create the code to make Dash move to push the ball.  
Once the ball moved, they had to measure the distance traveled by the ball and record it.  

They were so focused on math and so excited to have
their turn to create the code and make the robot move!!