Monday 25 January 2016

Fully Alive

In the coming week, we will be completing our second unit from our Religion and Family Life Program (Fully Alive) called, 'Living in Relationship'.  This unit focused on family, friendship and cooperation.  

Here is the parent letter outlining our next unit.

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Cooperation is the name of the game!

We have been discussing different scenarios that could happen in the school yard, in the classroom or at home that require friends and family members to compromise and cooperate.  The students have spent a lot of time role playing these scenarios and coming up with great ways to solve problems, compromise and cooperate.  Today we played cooperative musical chairs.  The game is played just like traditional musical chairs but no one is allowed to be eliminated.  The chairs are eliminated but not the players.  They need to work together to find a way to keep everyone in the game.  They came up with all sorts of creative ways to cooperate!

Three Dimensional Solids

After learning about many three dimensional solids, the students had an opportunity to build their own solids using marshmallows and toothpicks or straws.  They had to problem solve to make sure the marshmallows represented vertices/corners and the sticks/straws represented the edges.  

Friday 15 January 2016

Choosing a healthy snack

After tallying our food from our lunch boxes, the students' work was displayed in the hallway.  

We made blueberry muffins and strawberry/banana/blueberry smoothies for a healthy treat
Ask your child about the SECRET INGREDIENT!!!!!!!!

Non-Fiction Research

Non-Fiction Texts

We have spent this week learning about the features a non-fiction book has to help us find information and learn.  The students had scavenger hunts and races to see if they could locate certain information using the text features of their book.  They have become especially good at using the index and the table of contents.  

As a group we came up with a lot of questions about penguins and discovered there was a lot to learn.  We sorted the questions into categories and began searching for answers (all questions and answers are colour coded so we can refer back to the information).  

We also used technology to search for answers too!

They were amazed at all the information they found!!!

Stay tuned for next week's penguin post!!
We will be writing and creating to show what we know!

Thursday 7 January 2016


We have been reading a chapter book called, Mr. Popper's Penguins and the children are very excited to learn more about penguins.  We read one non-fiction book filled with facts but we are looking for more information.  If you have any penguin stories or information books at home that we could borrow for a few weeks, please send them into school with your child.  Please label the book with your child's name so it can be returned to you when we are finished with it.

Healthy Eating

We have been talking about the four food groups and the importance of eating healthy.  We decided to take a look at our lunches!  After sorting our food into the four food groups, each student made a tally chart to show their food data.  Can you spot the four food groups?

Jumping Back into Math in 2016


It was very clear to me that their knowledge of graphing and making tally charts was quite extensive before we even began our unit.  So...this will be a quick unit that will focus on the interpretation of the graphs rather than creating graphs.  On Day 1 the students were able to think of a survey question to ask their peers, design a tally chart and begin collecting data...fantastic!!

We gathered data...

...and sat down to talk about it.