Tuesday 13 December 2016

Dirt, dirt, and more dirt...

As an introduction to our new science units on soil (grade 3), air and water (grade 2), we investigated some soil samples. 

'I see leaves.'

'This one is sandy and wet.'

'Ahhhhhh...there is a caterpillar or some kind of bug!!'

'It feels cold and soft.'

'There's a worm!'

'Ewwwww...it's slimy.'

'This has clay parts in it.'

'The worm made tunnels.'
'What's in the tunnels?'
'I guess there is air.'

They made all sorts of discoveries:
Soil is different depending on where you get it.
There are living things in soil and things that are not living.
Some things in soil are dead now but they used to be alive, like leaves, sticks, and bugs.
Bugs must eat something in soil to survive.
Air is invisible but it's there...even underground in a worm tunnel.
Soil can be wet even though you don't see the water.

This is just the beginning...

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