Wednesday 15 February 2017

How can you be a disciple?

We have been talking and reading Bible stories about how Mary is a disciple of Jesus.  
Today we talked about how WE can be disciples every day.
They came up with all sorts of great ideas...we decided to act them out!

'We can be disciples by sharing and taking turns.'

'We can be disciples by visiting someone who is in the hospital.'

'We can be disciples by following the 10 Commandments.'

'We can be disciples by visiting someone in a nursing home.'

Happy 100th Day of School!

Since we all know how to count to 100 we had to think of another way to celebrate the 100th day!
The class came up with the idea to create 'super creatures' with special 'creature features'.  
Their 'creature features' had to be special adaptations that would help their creature survive.
We've been studying animal and plant adaptations in science so this was a perfect fit for us!

Ask your child to tell you about their 'creature features!'

Happy Valentine's Day!

The students wrote one compliment for each student in the class.  They will remain
a secret until Valentine's Day on Tuesday.  The bags will be decorated with the 
compliments and then used to collect their valentine cards.  

They were very thoughtful about the compliments they 
wrote for each of their friends and they are so excited to 
read their own compliment bags.

Our other Valentine's Day activity was a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) Challenge.
Their only direction was they needed to move their 'critter' from point A to point B along the string.
The rest was up to them!
They dove right in and made some amazing 'Critter Carriers'.

Thank you to everyone who sent in supplies for this "Big Event!"

They organized themselves into groups...

...some students wanted to make their own 'critter carrier'...

Everyone had a chance to 'test' their critter carrier on the zip-line and make adjustments if needed.
They discovered:
* their carrier would tip over if it wasn't 'balanced' on the zip-line
*if they attached their carrier to the zip-line with something sticky it wouldn't slide down
*some materials are stronger or more stable than others
*their critter would slide out if the side walls weren't high enough

These were just a few of their discoveries!!  

Friday 10 February 2017


We are learning about plant and animal adaptations.  
The students 'scooted' around the classroom and learned about several different 
animal and plant adaptations.  Each desk was a station with pictures and reading
materials to learn about one adaptation.  They recorded their learning 
and we met to discuss it at the end of the scoot.  

Just a reminder to bring a stuffed animal to school on Monday.  The students will be
using everything they have learned about animal adaptations to turn their stuffy into
a super creature with amazing 'creature features!'