Friday 10 February 2017

Power Words

12 Power Words

Tell all the ways they are the same.
Tell all the ways they are different.
Tell me about it.  Give details about it.  Paint a picture with words.
Teach me or show me.  Tell me the steps.
Read between the lines.  What is the hidden meaning?
Schema + Evidence =Inference
Make an educated (smart) guess.
Break it down into parts.  Tell about the parts.
Tell the good and the bad.  Judge it
Back up the information.
Prove.  Provide Evidence.
Tell the main idea.  Tell the beginning, middle, and the end.
Create. Put Together.
Outline.  Explain the development.  Explain the path.

We've discussed and worked on the red power words in class since the beginning of the year.  
In an effort to allow the students to be more creative and in control of their learning, they were asked to choose a power word and 'do something' to show they know what it means.  They were given complete freedom to use any resources in the classroom, and work with whoever (or independently) they wanted on whatever project they wanted.  

They were soooooo excited!!!

'We compared and contrasted an eagle and a shark.'

'I explained a story about a boy and two bumblebees.'

'We explained how to draw a shark...'

...and a jellyfish.'

'I answered the question, Why do elephants have big ears? and supported my answer.'

The highlight for me was to see the incredible work the students produced during this time.  They were so engaged and excited about what they were doing.  This was a great reminder that kids do their best work when they are interested in what they are doing.

The highlight for the kids was sharing their work with each other.  

Way to go everyone!  We will be incorporating this into our regular schedule from now on!

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