Friday 26 May 2017

Rosary Celebration

The entire school gathered in the gym to pray the rosary.

Since many of the grade 2's are celebrating their First Communion this year,
 they were asked to help lead the prayers.

Thanks to the lovely ladies who put so much time and energy into 
teaching our children about the rosary.

Social Studies

The Grade 2's will be studying about changing traditions and celebrations, and 
the Grade 3's will be learning about communities in Canada years ago.

As we read and research our way through these units, the grade 2's focus 
will be on the traditions and celebrations of the people in these early communities.  The grade
3's will be focused on what life was like for these people so long ago.

We begin our research by learning about Aboriginal 
People of Canada...

Each group created a chart paper describing what life was like 
for the community of people they chose.

After their research, each group presented their findings to the rest of us.

Next Step:  Traditional Aboriginal Crafts

Sunday 21 May 2017

Track and Field Day

Our Track day turned out to be a beautiful sunshine filled day!!

We were all there cheering on our Grade 3 athletes!!

Way to go grade 3's!!

Grade 3 Fully Alive Family Letter

Grade 3
Theme Three Family Letter 

Dear Family,

We are ready to begin Theme Three of Fully Alive, our family life program. Because the partnership of home, church, and school is so important, this letter is written to let you know what we talk about in class, and to offer some ideas for your involvement. For more information for families, please go to If you have any questions, please contact me.

About Theme Three 
Theme Three of Fully Alive is called “Created Sexual: Male and Female.” God made us male and female, and all of God’s creation is good. In the early grades, this theme is presented through a continuing story. The message of these stories is that we begin life as a result of the love our mothers and fathers shared. No matter what happens later, nothing can change that. It is part of God’s plan that we grow and are sheltered in our mother’s body before birth. After we are born, it is our family that loves and cares for us.

In Theme Three we will: 
• read a story about the Carson family, who have four children, and learn more about life before birth, and how all of a baby’s needs are met in the uterus.
 • discover that life begins at the moment of conception as a single cell.
• explore the amazing growth and development of babies in their first year of life.

 Looking Ahead 

Terms used in Grade 2 (sperm, ovum, cell, sac, umbilical cord) are reviewed in Grade 3, and the term conception is introduced. The students are given a brief explanation of how babies are born. Next year, in Grade 4 the student book introduces the term sexual intercourse, but does not include a physical description. The teacher book has a simple explanation of sexual intercourse that may be presented by the teacher to the students, depending on the readiness of the class. This information is not included in the student book until Grade 5.

 Working together at school and at home
 • Ask your child to tell you about the Carson family. What was your child’s favourite part of the story? What did he or she learn?
 • The children may be taking home information sheets about important events in the life of their parents, their birth, and their first year of life.

Grade 2 Fully Alive Family Letter

Grade 2
Theme Three Family Letter

Dear Family,

We are ready to begin Theme Three of Fully Alive, our family life program. Because the partnership of home, church, and school is so important, this letter is written to let you know what we talk about in class, and to offer some ideas for your involvement.

 About Theme Three 
Theme Three of Fully Alive is called “Created Sexual: Male and Female.” God made us male and female, and all of God’s creation is good. In the early grades, this theme is presented through a continuing story. The message of this story is that we begin life as a result of the love our mothers and fathers shared. No matter what happens later, nothing can change that. It is part of God’s plan that we grow and are sheltered in our mother’s body before birth. After we are born, it is our family that loves and cares for us.

 In Theme Three we will:
 • meet the Brunelle family, who are expecting their third child.
 • discover more about the development of babies before birth and especially about how the baby breathes and receives nourishment in the uterus.
• learn about the importance of respect and care for the body, which is a gift from God.

 Looking Ahead
The information included in Grade 2 is still quite limited: new terms include amniotic sac, umbilical cord, and navel; the terms sperm and ovum, which are described as tiny cells from the father and the mother, are also introduced, and a simple explanation of birth is provided.

 Next year, additional information about prenatal life and birth will be presented. In Grade 4 the teacher gives a very simple explanation of sexual intercourse. However, this information is not included in the student book until Grade 5.

 Working together at school and at home
 • Ask your child to tell you about the Brunelle family. What was your child’s favourite part of the story? What did he or she find especially interesting?
 • Take this opportunity to talk to your child about how babies grow before they are born, and how all their needs are met inside the uterus.

Friday 12 May 2017

Growing Patterns

We had a great time today creating patterns that GROW

They continue to surprise me with their creativity.
Whenever these kids have freedom to show what they know 
they take full advantage of the opportunity!

The Miracles of Jesus

The Miracles of Jesus
Haiku Style

April was poetry month....

...we read poems on our own...
...we read poems with our friends...
...we memorized poems and presented them...
...we wrote our own poems...

The students worked very hard creating their own Haiku poems
about one of Jesus' miracles. 
Their poems were so fantastic, we just had to add some details to their poems.
Check out these amazing art pieces...