Saturday 28 October 2017

Halloween Procedural Writing

We have been talking about procedural writing this week.  

It's all about writing the steps or 'How to..' do something.
We focused on the transition words First, Next, Then, and Finally to keep 
their work organized and flowing.
Together we acted out 'How to Trick-or-Treat with costumes
and everything!
This gave the students a very concrete example to help them  in their
writing.  They each wrote an amazing 'How to Trick-or-Treat piece!


Have your child practice 'How to..' writing in their Read for Fun, Write for Fun books.
The goal is to write a minimum of 4 sentences.  One sentence starts with first, the next sentence begins with next, another with then and the last sentence begins with finally.  If your child finds writing a breeze, encourage them to have more than 4 steps in the process using other transition words like, after that, second, another thing, etc.

Fall Walk

What a beautiful day for a walk on the trail!
Each pair had a clipboard and page for our fall nature scavenger hunt.
They had to use tally marks each time they saw an item in nature.

The Big Crunch!

St. John Vianney Tradition...CRUNCH!

Thursday 19 October 2017

Social Skills

Social Skills

Since the beginning of the year we have been working to improve
our social skills.  We have covered the following topics:
1.  Listening
2.  Following Directions
3.  Interupting
4. Using a friendly voice
5. Asking for help

For each topic we read a story, talk about why that skill
is important, and then practice the skill by acting out 
situations that could occur in the classroom and outside.
The students LOVE doing the acting!!!  
Everyday they ask if they can 'role play'.

The pictures below are from some skits the students thought of 
on their own to illustrate how to follow directions.
The steps for following directions are:
1. Listen
2. Think about it
3. Ask if needed
4. Go!

Doing these skits have made our classroom a friendlier, happier place to learn!
Way to go everyone!

Numbers, Numbers, Numbers...

This week we are working on making reasonable estimations, counting groups of items, organizing items to make it easier to count, and figuring out where numbers belong on a number line.  

Have your child count to 100 by by 1's, 5's, and 10's. 
Have your child skip count by 2's as high as they can (at least to 30).
Print a number between 1-100 (or higher) and ask them to say the number.

'22 is before 23 and after 21...'

'What number did I cover?'

'27 is between 26 and 28...'

'Number 8 is under the block...because 8 is after 7...'

'32 is the missing number!  It's after 31...'

'Let's count by 4's...'

'We organized by 5's...5's are easy to count...'

'We organized by 5's since we both know how to count by 5's...'

'We counted by 2's...2, 4, 6, 8,...'

'We have a lot so counting by 10's was good...'

'Counting by 5's is easy so we did 5's...'

We studied 100 charts and put puzzles together to find the missing numbers.

We organized and counted our 'collections' from home...
'I have 82 Pokemon cards...'

'I found all of these shells at the beach...'

'I will count my Shopkins by 2's...'

'I have a lot so I am going to count by 10's...'

'I'm counting by 2's...'

'I am going to organize them in groups of 5...'

'My rocks are in piles of 10...'

Then we practiced using big really BIG numbers...