Saturday 7 April 2018

Math Centers - 2-Dimensional Shapes

Learning Goal: To learn the geometric properties of polygons

Ask your child what a polygon is and they should be able to tell you that a 
polygon is a closed figure made out of straight lines.  They have been learning 
specifically about the square, triangle, rectangle, rhombus, trapezoid, 
hexagon, and the octagon.  Take a look at what they have been doing each afternoon!
The green cards tells them what to build on their geoboard...

This is a card game called 'How is it the same?'
They have to tell how their polygon is the same as the target polygon.

At this center, each student was asked to design a toy for our
Grade 2 Toy Catalog that will be published next week.

Hanging out with Hexagons!
How do the other polygons relate to a hexagon?
Try it to find out.

Math Project
'Math Projects' are problem solving questions that the students participate in during each unit.  I call them 'math projects' because I want the students to think of these questions as something that will take some time to complete.  The questions are meant to be a challenge, to make them think.  These questions usually have more than one answer so different students will arrive at a correct answer in one of many possible ways.  We discuss that the answer might not come to you right might have to try different things, use different supplies or manipulatives to help you.  The students did especially well at this math project and were able to solve it quickly using many different ideas!

I have three polygons in my bag.  Altogether they have 13 sides.  What polygons do I have?

Way to go!

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