Monday 2 January 2017

3-D Building

After working so hard on learning about 2-D shapes, we have moved onto 3-D shapes.

'I used all cubes for this!'

The students were able to build structures with 3-D shapes...

They sorted 3-D shapes using giant venn diagrams.

Before Christmas the students build giant structures with 3-D solids.  We borrowed
the large wooden blocks from a kindergarten classroom to see what we could
build and what we could talk about while building.  The goal was to use as much math
vocabulary as possible while building.  I definitely heard a lot of 'hey, put that here' and 'no, not that one, the other one', but I also heard a lot of...

'Put the big rectangular prism on top of the square...'

'The pyramid is good for putting on makeup.'

'Put the sphere over here so it doesn't roll away.'

One group of students built a golf course.  The ball was rolled on the blocks and through the blocks,
down ramps to the end of the course.  

'Put the sphere in here...'

At one point during the building I asked everyone to hold up a solid when I called out the name.

Another group of students built a makeup and nail salon.

A good time was had by all!!!

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