Tuesday 24 January 2017

What is an inference?

Ask your child what an inference is...they should tell you...

Schema + Evidence = Inference

Each morning we look at a picture and discuss our observations about what we 'see' in the picture.  Then we use our schema (the knowledge in our brains already) and the evidence (what we see in the picture) to come up with our inference.

Being able to make inferences when we read stories is a valuable tool to help us understand the messages in a story.  An Inference is kind of like 'reading between the lines' to figure out what the author is trying to tell us.

Examples of Inferences:
*A girl walks into a store soaking wet and it is raining. It can be inferred that she does not have an umbrella.
*A child is in bed upstairs. The child's mom hears a bang and crying. The mom can infer that her child fell out of bed.

Picture of the Day

Step One:  Make Observations
'I see a girl in a bathing suit'.
'I see sand toys laying in the sand'
'I see water and blue sky'
'I see a girl wearing a sun hat'

Step Two: Make an Inference
'I think the girl is all done building and now she is going for a swim because 
she is walking away from the sand toys.'

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