Wednesday 29 March 2017

Perimeter...the distance around an object

Today we used everything we have learned about measurement to start 
calculating the Perimeter of things.

Each group was given a piece of grid paper with figures drawn on it.
Their job was to turn their figures into places.

Some groups turned their figures into the Palace of Auburn Hills, 
Tiger Stadium, the park, apartment buildings, houses, and arenas.

Once that had been decided, they needed to find the Perimeter of each
of the figures.  They were so excited to create their 'places' I think 
they forgot they were doing math.  Everyone was so focused on was great!!

They presented the 'maps' they had created to the class at the end of the day.

We will be using these same 'maps' to learn about area and moving on a grid.

Way to go everyone!!

Friday 24 March 2017

How do we measure up?

Measurement Centres
At the first centre, students had to trace a group member and measure 
anything they could on the outline of their friend.
When the measuring was complete, they began to decorate.

'...his leg is 6 cm...'

'It's 26cm across here...'

Another centre was to put a car on the track and measure the 
distance travelled by the car.

'To measure past one metre, I have to put my finger and then move the ruler...'

'2m and 26cm...that's like 200 cm and 26's 226cm!'

During another activity, students presented their measurements
to their friends.  There got to choose what to measure, and what tool
to use (cm ruler, metre stick).

'I used a cm ruler to measure the computer keyboard
because the keyboard is pretty small.'

'We used a metre ruler to measure the filing cabinet because it's tall.'

'I'm taller than a metre so a cm ruler will be too small...let's use a metre stick...'

They made all sorts of measurement discoveries!!

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM!!!

What a week!!
We have been talking about units of measurement this week.
It's easy to see how big a centimetre is because all of the kids have
centimetre rulers in their desks.  Even a metre isn't too difficult to 
imagine because they can use metre sticks to measure things in the classroom.
A kilometre is hard to measure and imagine.  So....we took a 
one kilometre walk from the school to Freshco.

Since we had walked all the way to Freshco (one whole kilometre)
we thought we should buy something.
After reading and working on a poem about ice cream all week
we were all feeling a bit hungry for ice cream!

As a review of a math concept from earlier in the year, we created a 
survey of favourite ice cream flavors.

Everyone was able to sample the flavors and decide which one was their favourite.

'Cookies and cream...'

'Rainbow Sherbet is my favourite!'

'Vanilla all the way!'

'Which one will I choose?'

'It's a battle between cookies and cream and rainbow sherbet!'

Monday 20 March 2017

Arrays, Arrays, Arrays...

As a culminating activity for our unit on multiplication and division, the students built a city.
They were all very excited to create a building and name it.
They were given complete creative long as there was an array on their building.  Here is what they came up with!!!

Each building has a white card underneath it with the math 
each student did about their array.
They were asked to put as much math as they could.  Many of them
were able to put a TON of info!!

Some of the cards looked like this:

2 groups of 7 is 14


14 divided into 2 groups is 7
14 divided into 7 groups is 2

The lightening is in two groups with four lightening bolts in each group...2x4=8!

The M Tower

The Disney Hotel

The CN Tower

Walt Disney Pictures Movie Studio

Terrific Two Three Newspaper Factory
5x3=15 (the array on the right)

Minecraft Building

Pokemon Centre for Hurt Pokemon
2x3=6 (left bldg)

Baby Day Care

Great Wolf Lodge

Trump Tower

The Music

Trump Tower



WFCU Centre

Terrific Two Three Theatre