Friday 24 March 2017

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM!!!

What a week!!
We have been talking about units of measurement this week.
It's easy to see how big a centimetre is because all of the kids have
centimetre rulers in their desks.  Even a metre isn't too difficult to 
imagine because they can use metre sticks to measure things in the classroom.
A kilometre is hard to measure and imagine.  So....we took a 
one kilometre walk from the school to Freshco.

Since we had walked all the way to Freshco (one whole kilometre)
we thought we should buy something.
After reading and working on a poem about ice cream all week
we were all feeling a bit hungry for ice cream!

As a review of a math concept from earlier in the year, we created a 
survey of favourite ice cream flavors.

Everyone was able to sample the flavors and decide which one was their favourite.

'Cookies and cream...'

'Rainbow Sherbet is my favourite!'

'Vanilla all the way!'

'Which one will I choose?'

'It's a battle between cookies and cream and rainbow sherbet!'

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