Thursday 31 May 2018

Multiplication FUN!

The beginning stages of Multiplication are beginning...and your children
are doing FANTASTIC!!!

After a few short lessons at the board we jumped right into practicing how to multiply using what we already know about skip counting, and addition.  I was amazed at how fast they picked it up!!!

2 groups of 3 =6          Groups of Statement

                      ***            ***           Drawing Groups of                      

3        +         3 = 6       Repeated Addition

3, 6                       Skip Counting

 2 X 3  =6                            Multiplication Sentence

Center #1
Use cool stamps and make your own groups and write 
all of the above information about your groups

Center #2
A little worksheet about groups of statements

Center #3
Roll 2 dice...One dice tells you how many groups to make
and the other dice tells you how many are in each group.  Now
write everything you know about your groups.

Summer Project Idea
To be ready for next year a great summer project would be to learn your
multiplication facts really well...make yourself some flashcards with info 
just like this.  Drawing cool pictures for your groups would make 
this a fun little project!!  You would hardly notice how much you are learning.
Offer your child an extra minute of device time, or swimming time for 
every flashcard they make!!!!


The Compassion Experience Field Trip

We got a small look into what life was like for two people in Africa.  Each 
student had the use of an ipod and headphones that led the way through
a short tour.  The tour explained what the child's early years were like,
the jobs they worked, the little schooling they may have received, how 
they helped their families, what their homes looked like, and how their life changed
once they had a 'sponsor family'.  

One of the children we followed had a job of dying thread using
very harsh chemicals.  It was very hard work, especially for someone
so young. 

They showed a 'compassion center' and spoke about that as well. 
A compassion center is a place of safety for these children, 
a place to go for food, education, love, and support.

There were letters the children received from their sponsor

This is one of the lives we followed...a boy named Carlos...

...and his sponsor family who made such a difference in his life. 

Thank you all for your generous contributions so we can provide for the people of Uganda.

Tuesday 29 May 2018

Important Dates

Thursday May 31 - Field trip to see the 'Compassion Project' (pm only)
June 8 - No school for Students
June 14 - Starfest - see school newsletter for more info
June 15 - School wide movie and popcorn day in the gym (reward from lottery sales)
June 19 - Crazy hair day, no homework day (reward from lottery sales)
June 22 - hat day, pajama day, gum chewing day (reward from lottery sales)
June 25 - Final report cards go home
June 26 - School wide fun day (reward from lottery sales)
June 27 - Final School Mass
June 28 - Last day of school

Sunday 27 May 2018

What's been happening...

Somehow this week has gone by with not a lot of is a peek at what we've been up to...

Literacy Centers
Your child has been working on using commas to make a list.
After reading Frederick by Leo Lionni they made their own crafty Frederick with a 
speech bubble.  Of course Frederick was speaking about his list.

'My favourite colours are red, blue, pink, and yellow.'
'I'm gathering nuts, seeds, hay, and leaves.'

Shadow Puppets
Each group had a chance to use the shadow puppet theatre
using puppets they made the previous week.  They made 
up their own scripts and created all sorts of mini plays.

'If I put the puppet closer to the light it makes a bigger shadow...'
'If I put the puppet closer to the screen it's smaller..'

More Money
One of our final money activities was building with the pattern blocks (which 
have each been assigned a price tag) and then calculating how much their 
build would cost them.  Students who are working on making change were given a challenge
to find out how much change they would get back it they paid for their build with a 
certain amount of money.

Tuesday 22 May 2018

The Compassion Project

As part of our Social Studies Program and our Religion Program, we have been using some of the resources provided by the Compassion Project.  Click on the following link to see what the project is all about.  Your child brought home a note about this project and a field trip opportunity we will be a part of. 

Compassion Project

We have been watching the videos provided to learn about how the people in Uganda live.  Click on the link below to meet one of the families we are 'following' to get a glimpse of their life.  There are many other videos if you search 'step into my shoes videos'.

Meet the Family

The students worked hard in February selling Candy Grams at SJV and some of their fundraising money is still left.  We would like to be able to make a donation of some sort after experiencing the field trip, becoming aware of the needs in Uganda.  Since the field trip is not costing us anything, and the school is paying for the busing, we are asking each student to bring in a small donation that could be used to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate.  The students have looked at this 'catalog' in the classroom and you are welcome to take a look with your child at home.
To make a donation

Saturday 19 May 2018

Thanks to Mr. Liburdi!

A great big thanks to Mr. Liburdi for bringing his pet to visit in our class.
Seeing a reptile (bearded dragon) live definitely reinforced what the students
read and learned about reptiles.  Ask your son/daughter about the bearded dragon!!!