Sunday 27 May 2018

What's been happening...

Somehow this week has gone by with not a lot of is a peek at what we've been up to...

Literacy Centers
Your child has been working on using commas to make a list.
After reading Frederick by Leo Lionni they made their own crafty Frederick with a 
speech bubble.  Of course Frederick was speaking about his list.

'My favourite colours are red, blue, pink, and yellow.'
'I'm gathering nuts, seeds, hay, and leaves.'

Shadow Puppets
Each group had a chance to use the shadow puppet theatre
using puppets they made the previous week.  They made 
up their own scripts and created all sorts of mini plays.

'If I put the puppet closer to the light it makes a bigger shadow...'
'If I put the puppet closer to the screen it's smaller..'

More Money
One of our final money activities was building with the pattern blocks (which 
have each been assigned a price tag) and then calculating how much their 
build would cost them.  Students who are working on making change were given a challenge
to find out how much change they would get back it they paid for their build with a 
certain amount of money.

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