Thursday 28 June 2018

Thanks for a great year!

Thank you to all of my students and their families for a great school year.  Your children have worked so hard and grown so much.  Your support and encouragement have meant so much to me and to your children as well.  Enjoy the summer months!  See you in September!

Wednesday 27 June 2018

Day at the Beach

A little peek into our day at the beach...

Thank you to all of the moms, dads, grandparents, and siblings that joined us at the 
beach for a great day.  Your help supervising and passing out lunch was greatly 
appreciated and your company and continued support throughout this year
has made such a difference in your child's education.

Thanks to Stop 26 for opening early for us too!!!

Wednesday 20 June 2018

Making Rosaries

Thank you Mrs. Bellemore!!

Mrs. Bellemore is such a lovely lady, who comes in once a month 
to pray the rosary with us.  Since grade 2 is a special year of sacraments
Mrs. Bellemore comes in to make rosaries with the students in grade 2.  

The rosaries will be blessed by Father Daniel and then they will be 
sent home with your child.

Chapter Book Challenge

After working so hard on their Chapter Book Challenge, they finally got to 
share their work with their friends.

Good Bye Miss Grace

Thanks Miss Grace!
Thank you so much for all of your help in our classroom this year!!!

We had a great morning saying Good Bye to Miss Grace, our 
coop student from St. Joseph's High School.  She organized all sorts of 
fun games inside and outside.  Everyone had a great time!

Monday 18 June 2018

Simple Machines

As part of our unit on simple machines, the students are participating 
in activity centers with a small group.  

Center #1: Lever
The students made catapults to launch small erasers.  They read the 
steps of the experiment and followed the steps to move the fulcrum 
to see the effect of moving the fulcrum on the launch.

Station #2: Inclined Plane
The students followed the steps outlined in the experiment to adjust the height of the
inclined plane to see what would happen to the car.  They had a tape measure
handy to measure the distance traveled by the car.  
They also experimented by adding friction...ask your child what happened to the
car when they added friction!

Center #3: Pulley
The students built a basic pulley to lift their snack into the 'tree house'.  The 
top of the ladder was the tree house!

Center #4: Wedge
The students used their hand as a wedge to knock down a tower.  

Capacity and Mass

We took a look at capacity!
Our first step in studying capacity was to look through our lunch pails
to look for anything with liters (L) or milliliters (mL) on it.  We 
found all sorts of containers!

We organized the items in order from the smallest number to the largest number
to find out more about what a mL means and what a  L means.

'Look...50mL is way smaller that 250mL....'

'This one is 39mL...'

Next...we needed to know how much a liter really was.
So...we used a juice box because so many of the students
are familiar with the size of a juice box.  They tried to figure out 
how many juice boxes made one liter.

They poured water from the juice box into a one liter container.

After using the juice box to make one liter, we used some smaller
containers to make one liter.  They discovered it took a lot
more scoops of the smaller container to make one liter.

Next we learned about mass!
Mass is measured in grams (g) and kilograms (kg) so we needed
to figure out what that would look like, and what that would feel like.
So...we headed right back to our lunch pails and found all sorts of 
items labelled with grams.

They were on a mission to find items that had a mass greater than 
a marker and items that had a smaller mass than the marker.

Challenge:  Find something (s) that has about the same mass as the 1kg 
bag of chocolate chips.
They searched the classroom to try and find things that would add up to 
about 1kg...they had a good time trying to fit it all in the baskets.

Ask your children to find things in your cupboards and in the fridge
with g, kg, L, and mL and compare!!