Monday 18 June 2018

Simple Machines

As part of our unit on simple machines, the students are participating 
in activity centers with a small group.  

Center #1: Lever
The students made catapults to launch small erasers.  They read the 
steps of the experiment and followed the steps to move the fulcrum 
to see the effect of moving the fulcrum on the launch.

Station #2: Inclined Plane
The students followed the steps outlined in the experiment to adjust the height of the
inclined plane to see what would happen to the car.  They had a tape measure
handy to measure the distance traveled by the car.  
They also experimented by adding friction...ask your child what happened to the
car when they added friction!

Center #3: Pulley
The students built a basic pulley to lift their snack into the 'tree house'.  The 
top of the ladder was the tree house!

Center #4: Wedge
The students used their hand as a wedge to knock down a tower.  

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