Tuesday 30 October 2018

Adjectives, Adjectives, Adjectives

Pretty, silly, soft, rough, crunchy, stinky.....are all words you will hear floating 
around the classroom this week.  The students are learning about adjectives!

In honour of Halloween each student created a monster and used adjectives
to describe it.

Once all of the adjective work was done we decided to get creative...

Inspired by the work of art, Starry Night, the students designed their own 
starry night for their monster.

the white papers surrounding each monster are the adjectives used to describe that monster.

Describe your favourite toy using adjectives.

Fall Fun

Fall Fun
We had gym outside since it was such a nice day.  Ask your child to 
tell you about 25 Hot Dogs and Rock, Paper, Scissors Train

Sunday 28 October 2018

Halloween Celebrations

Wednesday we will be celebrating Halloween at SJV.  

We will also be celebrating All Saints Day (Nov. 1) and All Souls Day (Nov. 2).  


Wednesday will be black and orange day (no Halloween costumes please).  It will be privilege day as well (more info to follow), and presentation day for our Potion Commercials.  I'm excited to see the commercials come to life on Wednesday.  If your child needs props or accessories for their commercial they are welcome to bring them on Wednesday.  

Please do not send edible treats on Wednesday, as there are many students in the school, and in our classroom, with severe allergies.  

Instead of Fun Friday this month, we will have Fun Wednesday where your child can bring a small toy from home.


As part of our Social Studies Unit on Changing Family Traditions, we have been talking about
different ways people celebrate holidays, and the different traditions families have. 

Some countries don't celebrate Halloween, and save all celebrations for All Souls Day and All Saints Day.  In preparation for All Souls Day and All Saints Day, we are learning what a Saint is, and we are getting to know some different saints.  Click on the two links below to watch two quick videos on St. Francis and St. John Bosco.  

Monday the students will be starting a project on how Halloween is celebrated in different parts of the world.  Stay tuned for the final products of the projects.

Thanks to one of our lovely students for  bringing in a beautiful book on Mother Teresa.

Friday 26 October 2018

Literacy Centers

Literacy Centers this week:

1.  Guided Reading
Each group focused on something meaningful or important
for their learning.  This group was working on words that end in -ing.

2.  Read with a Friend
We have a bunch of Halloween and Fall stories to read.

3.  Writing
Students chose a noun card and an adjective and wrote a 'juicy' sentence
using the noun and adjective they chose.  Our 'juicy' sentences need to
have an 'and' or a 'because' to add details for the reader. 
Example: At the park I saw pretty flowers and they were beautiful.
I like cuddly bunnies because bunnies are my favourite animal.

4.  Retell
Students used pictures to retell the story of Hazel's Amazing Mother

Image result for hazels amazing mother
Click the link to hear the story.

We have been working on Procedural Writing.  The students were asked to write the steps of how to 
trick or treat.  To get inspired they acted it out.  They dressed up in costumes, got bags to gather their 
pretend candy, and trick-or-treated at pretend houses in the classroom.  

Once the acting was done they did a fantastic job of writing the steps of how to trick or treat in their journals.  Look for your child's journal in the next week so you can read their writing. 



Write out the steps of something....
How to brush your teeth
How to make a peanut butter sandwich
How to get ready for school in the morning
How to play a video game

(We have been focusing on using 'and' or 'because' to add details and make our sentences really 'juicy')
Example: How to Play Minecraft
First turn on the TV and video game system.  Next get the controller so you are ready
to play and click on the world you want to play on.  Then gather things to fill your inventory because you need items to use for building.  Finally build something really cool because building is fun!