Wednesday 31 January 2018


It can be very tricky learning how to use verbs in the present and past tense.  
To help us, we listed all sorts of verbs that we can do today.
Today I hug.
Today I love.
Today I cook.

Then we figured out how to use those same verbs in a sentence starting
with yesterday.
Yesterday I hugged.
Yesterday I loved.
Yesterday I cooked.

Easy enough...just add ed!

In Walks meet, steal, ring, run, and know.
These are the rule breakers!  They do NOT follow the rules, so they
belong in JAIL!

Our police officers guided our irregular verbs to jail....

...where they became met, stole, ran, and knew.

Then the students hunted in books for verbs in the past tense. 
They recorded the verbs on post it notes so we could all check them out.

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